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Home > Gallery > Icons > Over $500

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Title: Icon Korsunskaya the Godmather
Artist: Rizhskaya Valeriya
Size: 14x18.5x2
Size (inches): 5.5x7.25x0.75
Price : $750 SOLD!


Talented artist Rizhskaya Valeriya has painted this colorful icon. The image of this icon has a long story. The first icon was painted by St. apostle Luke, then several copies from this icon went all over the world. One of the copies was brought from town of Korsun' to Kiev in 988 by Prince Vladimir and got the name Godmother of Korsun.Later icon was moved to town of Novgorod and then in Moscow.
This icon has been painted in the village of Kholui on the wooden base. According to the tradition of Russian icon painting, the work is painted in egg tempera paints and detailed with brilliant gold paint. The leaves of gold is also used to create a frame around the depicted icon.
Very often Palekh, Mstera and Kholui artists paint icons, and this decision isn't influenced by a fashion or a public demand. It is a century-old tradition. The schools of Palekh, Kholui, and Mstera appeared under the influence of icon painting.

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